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Subaward Closeout


California Institute of Technology's (Caltech) subaward closeout is the administrative process of completing all internal procedures and sponsor requirements when a subaward is complete.

Policy Statement

The closure of sponsored grants and contracts is dependent on the closeout of any/all supporting subawards. A subaward is subject to closeout only after the period of performance end date is reached and all services, including any reports, and data, have been delivered to and are accepted by Caltech. To ensure the timely closure of federally funded prime grants/contracts, Caltech incorporates language in its subawards requiring the delivery of all final reports and the final invoice typically within sixty (60) days of subaward completion.


During subaward closeout, the subrecipient must submit all required financial, performance, and other reports as outlined by the sponsored award. To facilitate this requirement, the following documents are necessary to complete the closeout process. Subs will need to submit items 1-5 to Caltech.

All closeout documents (except Final Invoice*) should be emailed to